If you received an email from "Steve Jobs Charitable Foundation", it is a scam. The email, written in poor English, asked for donation to help young web coders. There is no such "charitable trust".
Other scams in the past 2 - 3 weeks after Steve Jobs death include an announcement about giving away free iPads in remembrance of Steve Jobs. The main objective to this scam is to drive traffic to the website, and when you click to such links you’ll be asked to fill surveys online to get free iPad.
It is not uncommon for criminals and cyber-crooks to take advantage of title-grabbing events to spread their creations and affect the maximum number of victims possible in a short period of time.
These scams work by tricking users into visiting websites where they are told they have won a valuable prize, such as an iPad, an iPhone or apple products. Obviously, the unsuspecting victim will never get the prize, but rather a series of costly spam messages. In addition, malicious websites like these leverage geo-location data to display messages in different languages depending on the user's location.
Please stay away from such scams like Fake Steve Jobs Charitable Foundation Scam. Have safe internet browsing and stay away from such scammers online.
Good Luck
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